Frequently asked questions


When and where should I arrive for my booking?

We have multiple locations in Prague. It happens that our players arrive to the wrong location. Please make sure you are coming to the correct address as seen below. Please arrive right on time of your booking! (NOT EARLIER). Game operators are preparing your game and cannot serve you before the scheduled start of your game.

Are our games suitable for families with children?

Sure! Kids love our games, and in our experience, small children are sometimes even more successful, having natural“out of the box” thinking.

What if we don’t make it within a time limit?

If the next timeslot is available, some extra time will be offered to you. If not, don’t worry, our brave staff will come to save you!

How difficult your games are?

What if we don’t feel like Einstein, will we still have a good time?

Our games are not easy. But your room master will give you some clever hints anytime needed, so you will still enjoy the game, no matter how good you are at it.

Are there any special abilities required?

It is just your common sense. No physical, mathematical or historical skills and knowledge are needed.

What about the language? I sure don’t speak Czech

Our games are language independent. If there is a game which includes texts to read, they will be in basic English. Please select your preferred language when making a booking.